Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Preparing to Go Back to School

Recently, I walked into a discount clothing store in search of a bargain for my back to school wardrobe. I walked around for a few minutes then had to leave. On my drive to the next store I reflected on why I could not stay in the store and came to the conclusion that I was overwhelmed by the clutter. The chaos was too much for me to process and I was unable to focus on my task.

This scenario may be how some of our students feel in our classrooms with commercially produced posters, letters, words, and bulletin boards stapled, glued, and taped on every inch of the walls. Teachers spend hours and hours putting these thing up every summer and often times they are not taken down until the following spring, if ever.

Have you ever walked into your house and noticed something was moved, an object you never paid attention to until it changed? We get desensitized by things in our environment until there is a change. The same happens in the classroom. Again, teachers spend a good chunk of their summer time posting things on their walls. It makes for a print rich environment for the first couple of weeks of school but soon students stop noticing.

Here is a list of things that can be done in the classroom before school starts:
  • Organize teaching materials
  • Clean out the filing cabinet
  • Put up the structure of the word or sound wall, calendar math, etc.
  • Create areas of learning in the classroom
  • Rearrange desk for optimal learning
  • Get rid of store-bought items you did not use last year
  • Take the rare chance to dust
Focus on zones of learning, processes and procedures, and classroom management when getting your classroom ready for the first day of school.

Once the classroom is organized and set up for learning, post materials that support learning on your wall as it is being taught. Because it is new, they will pay more attention to it. In addition, students will take ownership in learning material that is made with them or in front of them. Student learning material will support success far more than what one buys at the teacher store.

As a bonus, spend your money on those back to school outfits.

Sonya Louviere

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